Does your home resort have an uphill policy that meets backcountry skiers needs? Uphill is definitely a different beast compared to true backcountry skiing, but there are so many benefits to resort uphilling… dialing in gear, developing fitness, practicing skills in a safe setting, connecting with friends, getting newbys oriented to the sport, apres, and more! Apparently, more than 50% have uphill policies, and hopefully we see this number continue to grow!
All that to say, I’ve been in the deep-end trying to help one of our local hills sort through it’s roll out of a new uphill policy. I was quoted about the rollout in last Sundays paper. People are less than happy, and I have tried to field folks questions and concerns through email and facebook. In light of the uproar, I have set up a zoom meeting with the general manager and any interested folks for this coming Thursday 12/10/20 4:30pm PST. It’ll be a chance for the resort to respond the questions and hear proposed solutions the community has generated. If you want to join, plug in the time into your calendar and follow the zoom link below. If you can’t make this time but still want to make your voice heard, consider dropping him an email.
Before we get to the zoom link, let’s scope the round-up…
This video had some helpful tips on how to shred the backcountry safely in the era of COVID. Good conversations to have with your mates and also some additional PPE to add to the gear check.

Sure there are a lot of memes out there, but these to describe my week. Have you heard the hub-bub about what was proposed in Europe… no thank-you.
Around here we still seem to be balancing on the precipice between fall and winter, as many are still sneaking in some missions out on the brown-pow. This video does a nice job of oscillating between the two sports, and the balance people seek in their lives. *check the last segment where Sage does both!*
Welp, if you are still tracking and interested in the zoom link below, then you might also find this old SKI mag article interesting that highlights the history of Mt Spokane and who has had the concessionaire contract in the past and currently. I just bought my uphill pass and will give the new system a go. I’m hopeful that the mountain will move their operation to an all-day access scenario as I’ve heard they are exploring… fingers crossed!
Zoom: Uphilling Mt Spokane – Meeting w/ GM Jim van Loben Sels
Time: Dec 10, 2020 04:30 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
Meeting ID: 976 2824 3845 Passcode: SHC4s0
I hope this weekend provides a chance for you to enjoy the mountains be it, resort uphilling, backcountry, or mountain biking. Choose your poison bc ski friends!